Oct 27, 2024  
2017-2018 Arapahoe Community College Catalog 
2017-2018 Arapahoe Community College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Academic Records


ACC keeps an active, cumulative record of every student’s application, correspondence and other important details (e.g., discipline records, Financial Aid records etc.). The Admissions and Records Office keeps the following in the student’s file:

  • Name, address, phone number, gender and student number. Students should be sure to keep their address current to ensure that all information sent from ACC reaches them.
  • Educational background: Any high schools or colleges they attended and the transcripts they submitted from those institutions*
  • The student’s major and degree expectations
  • Degrees the student has earned
  • The student’s college transcript, including the hours they attempted, grades, credits and their dates of enrollment
  • Courses, credits and hours they are currently taking
  • Once the student has been out of attendance for one year, their file is stored under an “inactive” classification. After a period of time, the student’s file is archived and later destroyed in accordance with the regulations of the Colorado State Archives.
  • *All documents received (including transcripts - high school or college; official or unofficial) become a part of the student’s academic record at ACC and may not be reproduced from ACC.

Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Security of Your File The Admissions and Records Office is responsible for the security of your academic records. Under the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, the information in your file may only be released under specific conditions. As a current or former student of ACC, you have complete access to view your records in compliance with the requirements under the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-389 Subsection 513,88 Stat. 571; 29 U.S.C. 1232 q). You may view them upon request at the Admissions and Records Office. If you feel your records contain an error, you may appeal in writing to the Director of Admissions and Records.

The following items will be designated as “Directory Information”. ACC may disclose any of this information without prior written consent, unless notified by the student in writing to the contrary by the first official class meeting date of each semester. Directory Information is limited to the current academic year only:

  • Student name
  • Major field of study
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • Dates of attendance
  • Degrees and awards received
  • Most recent educational institution attended

The student’s name may be released for graduation listings and lists of special awards, honors and events released to the news media. The student’s name and degree may also be released to employers for followup graduate surveys.

ACC is not authorized to release (to another institution / organization, or the student) transcripts received from other colleges and universities.

If a student does not wish the College to release the directory information, the student must complete a Confidential Flag, available from the Admissions and Records Office in Room M2480 of the Main Building at the Littleton Campus. If the student has requested restricted release of information, they cannot perform any personal business with ACC over the phone or via email. The student must conduct all of their business in person or online to protect their privacy. College staff will not be able to assist with telephone or email transactions of any kind, this includes, but is not limited to, calling for registration assistance, calls from a student’s family, their child’s school or daycare, etc.

All other information contained in a student’s records is considered private and not open to the public without their written consent. Only the following school officials, because of their official function, have access to this information:

  • A school official
  • A person employed by the College in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research or support staff position.
  • A person employed by or under contract to the College to perform a special task, such as the attorney or auditor.
  • A student serving on an official committee, such as disciplinary or grievance committee, or who is assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.
  • Official at another school, college or university where you seek or intend to apply.
  • Official of a Colorado institution that has transfer agreements with ACC and who wishes to contact graduates
  • State or federal education authority
  • Official evaluating your application for financial aid
  • State and/or local official requesting reporting data
  • Organization conducting studies for educational institutions or agencies
  • Accrediting organization
  • Parent of an dependent student (proof of dependency is required)
  • Veterans Administration

Under the following circumstances, ACC may also provide information without your consent:

  • Judicial orders
  • Emergencies, where the information contained in your file is needed to protect your safety, health or welfare, or that of other persons.
  • In compliance with the Solomon Amendment.

A copy of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is available in the Admissions and Records Office.



Students must request official transcripts by:

ACC charges for all transcript requests and offers electronic and paper delivery options.

ACC cannot release transcripts if a student has unmet financial obligation at any Colorado Community College System institution. ACC is not authorized to certify or release (to another institution / organization, or the student) transcripts received from other colleges, universities or high schools.

Transfer Transcripts & Credit Evaluations

Transfer Transcripts and Official Credit Evaluations

Students must be admitted to ACC to have an official transfer credit evaluation. To have their transcripts evaluated, students must order their official transcripts and have them sent DIRECTLY to ACC from each institution(s) the student attended. Hand-delivered transcripts will not be accepted as official for transfer credit evaluation purposes.

ACC utilizes the following guidelines to evaluate transfer credit:

  • The institution must possess regional accreditation.
  • Course by course evaluation and comparison based on the requirements for the student’s declared degree or certificate at ACC.*
  • Evaluation of the title, description, content, and age of the course being considered for transfer, compared to the course required in the degree or certificate at ACC.
  • Credits accepted in transfer from institutions operating on a quarter hour system, will have their credits converted into semester hours. The formula to convert quarter hours to semester hours is: (credit hours x two) / three. For example, a three quarter credit hour course will convert to a two semester credit hour course (3 x 2 = 6; 6 / 3 = 2).
  • The credit value of the required course at ACC must be covered in full by equivalent transfer course credit value. If appropriate based on a review of the title, description and content of the transfer courses, multiple transfer courses may be combined to be considered equivalent to the ACC course. *
  • Generally speaking, a student must complete a minimum of 25% of the credit requirements for a degree or certificate in residence at ACC.*
  • A grade of “C-” or better is required for a course to be considered for transfer. *

*Please note: some degree or certificate programs may have more restrictive transfer credit evaluation requirements; please contact the Graduation Coordinator / Transcript Evaluator for more information.

Students will receive confirmation of their transfer credit evaluation after their transcript(s) is received by ACC. Students can check what courses were transferred in and how they apply to their declared degree or certificate program by accessing DegreeCheck in myACC.

Foreign transcripts are not evaluated at ACC. If you have a foreign transcript that you would like to have evaluated for possible transfer credit, please reach out to a reputable Foreign Education Credential Service.

Disability Records

Record of Disability

Documentation of disability provided to the Student Access Services office is maintained in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. A student’s educational records maintained by Student Access Services will be released under the following circumstances:

  • When other ACC staff or faculty require information from their records for a legitimate educational interest or for the health and safety of the student or others.
  • When the student signs a written request asking Student Access Services to release their records to a specific ACC department or person.
  • To off-campus authorities as authorized by law.