Mar 12, 2025  
2025-2026 Arapahoe Community College Catalog 
2025-2026 Arapahoe Community College Catalog

Paying For College

Tuition & Fees

Tuition, fees and charges are mandatory and support essential activities and services, student organizations and special events. Tuition is based on credit load and residency status. Tuition, fees and charges are subject to change without notice. Students with unpaid debts to ACC, any of its auxiliary enterprises, or any Colorado Community College System institution, will not be allowed to register until debts are paid. For detailed tuition and fee rates, please view online at

COF Stipend

College Opportunity Fund (COF) Stipend

In 2004, the Colorado Legislature established the Colorado Opportunity Fund (COF). Under this new law, the State gives money for a subsidy to students by sending it to the institution the student designates. This money, known as COF, is applied to a resident student’s tuition if the student applies for and authorizes the use of the stipend. ACC will receive the money and it will appear as a credit on your tuition bill. Students who do not apply for and / or authorize the payment of the stipend to ACC by the appropriate deadline will be responsible for paying the COF portion of their tuition bill. Students who chose not to utilize their COF Stipend must decline the use of the stipend by a particular deadline each semester. Please contact the ACC COF Administrator ( for additional information.

Payment Options

Do not wait for a bill. Unless your account is paid in full, or you have a deferred payment plan in place by the semester payment deadline (published in the semester schedule), you may be dropped from your classes for an outstanding balance. Consult the Schedule of Classes for payment option details. Access myACC for a list of the semester payment deadlines. ACC may drop students from classes who have an outstanding balance.

Payment Plan Information

Payment Plan Payment Methods

  • Automatic bank payment (ACH)
  • Credit card/debit card

Cost to Participate

  • $30 enrollment fee per semester
  • $30 returned payment fee if a payment is returned

Simple Steps to Enroll

  • Got to
  • Log on to myACC with your student ID and password
  • Click on “Student Finance” tab
  • Click on “My Payment Plan”
  • Click on “NBS Payment Plan”

Down payments are processed immediately. Other payments are processed on the 5th of each month and will continue until the balance is paid in full.

You can review your remaining payment plan balance at any time by following the steps above or contact the ACC Cashier’s Office at 303.797.5638. For enrollment deadlines and down payment requirements, please visit ACC’s Cashier’s Office webpage.

Refund, Drop and Withdrawal Policy

Our refund policy is enforced for several reasons. When you enroll in a class, you reserve a space that is no longer available to others. At the same time, the state commits to paying a portion of the costs of offering you that course. Even if you officially withdraw, the state loses its investment in that space – while ACC loses the other percentage of expenses that your tuition and fees cover.

Ultimately it is the student’s responsibility to ensure accuracy of their class schedule.

Dropping a Course

If a student drops a course by the course census (add / drop) date, they will receive a full refund of tuition and fees for that dropped course and the course will no longer appear on the student’s academic record. Students may access their Detailed Student Schedule via myACC to view the census (add / drop) deadline for their course(s).

Students can drop online via myACC prior to the census (add / drop) date of the course(s). A course may not be dropped after the census (add / drop) date of the course and no refunds are granted after the census date of the course.

Drop for Non-Attendance

Students are expected to attend all classes. Students who do not attend between the first day of the course and the course Census (add / drop) date and who are identified as a “No show” by their Instructor, will be dropped. Being dropped as a no-show student can have significant negative consequences for students using financial aid and / or veterans’ benefits. If a student is identified as a no-show student and dropped from a course, they will not be re-registered in that same section.

Attendance in an online course is defined as accessing the course and completing at least one academic activity. What constitutes an academic activity may vary from course to course based on the uniqueness of each course.

Instructors will inform students of their individual attendance policies. If a student misses too many sessions you may be advised to withdraw from a course.

Withdrawing from a Course

Students may withdraw from a course after the Census Date and prior to the Withdrawal Deadline (which occurs at 80 percent of the course term); students may withdraw online by accessing myACC. Students may view the withdrawal deadline for their course(s) by accessing their Detailed Schedule available via myACC.

Once withdrawn from a course, the student may not be re-registered back into the same section of that course during that semester. The class will still appear on the student’s transcript along with a “W” grade. However, a “W” will not affect the student’s credit or cumulative grade point average (GPA). Students who do not officially withdraw by the deadline date will be graded by the Instructor. A “W” cannot be submitted by a faculty member as a final grade. The College may initiate withdrawal in some instances. If a student withdraws from a course and has an unpaid balance, the student remains obligated to pay the outstanding balance. Unpaid balances are sent to collections and a collection fee is assessed.

Tuition Credit Appeal Due to Extenuating Circumstance

The College gives students the opportunity to submit an Appeal for Tuition Credit if there is an unforeseeable or extraordinary circumstance that prevents the student from dropping a course by the census (drop) deadline. For more information, please download and complete the​​​​​​​ Appeal for Tuition Credit form or contact the Dean of Students Office, located within the Dean of Students Office (Littleton Campus, Main Building, Room M2720).

Administrative Withdrawal Petition

The College gives students the opportunity to submit an Administrative Withdrawal Petition if there is an unforeseeable or extraordinary circumstance that prevents the student from withdrawing from the course by the withdrawal deadline. Administrative Withdrawal Petition decisions (approval / denial) are final. For more information, please download and complete the Administrative Withdrawal Petition form or contact the Records & Enrollment Services Office.

Financial Aid & Veterans Programs

ACC offers VA, financial aid grants, scholarships, student loans, work-study programs and other opportunities to assist you with the cost of your college education. In most cases, you can receive financial assistance for tuition and fees, books and supplies and miscellaneous expenses.

Applying for Financial Aid

To apply, you must be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen and not be in default on any federal student loans or owe a repayment on a federal grant. Apply online for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at The ACC FAFSA School Code is 001346. For assistance with completing the FAFSA, ACC offers weekly FAFSA labs.  For more information, or to register for assistance, please contact the Financial Aid Office at 303.797.5661.

If your file is selected by the Department of Education for verification, you may be required to provide the following additional information or documents before we can award financial aid:

  • Your (and your parents’) Tax Return Transcript
  • Additional Income and Asset Information (TANF, SSI, Business Income, etc.)
  • Verification Worksheets
  • Other information as requested

The financial aid year begins with the fall semester each year. Financial aid is awarded on a first come, first served basis for all limited funding types such as certain grants and scholarships. Complete your FAFSA or CASFA application as early as possible.

Veteran Educational Assistance Programs

The evaluation of previous postsecondary education and training is mandatory/required for VA beneficiaries. For students utilizing Veterans benefits who are approved for transfer credit as a result of this evaluation, the institution will grant appropriate credit, reduce the program length proportionately, notify the student and Veterans Affairs in writing of this decision, and adjust invoicing of the VA accordingly.

Veteran Services is located in the Veteran Services Center (Littleton Campus, Main Building, Room M1605). ACC has been approved for most education and training programs by the Colorado State Approving Agency, including:

  • Post 9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33)
  • The GI Bill® (Chapter 30)
  • National Guard/Reserve GI Bill® (Chapter 1606/1607)
  • Dependents’ Benefits for Deceased or Disabled Veterans (Chapter 35)
  • Vocational Rehabilitation (Chapter 31)

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government web site at

To Apply for Veteran Education Benefits:

Visit the VA Web site to apply. In general, you will need the following before your benefits can be determined and awarded:

  • Copy of your DD214
  • NOBE- Notice of Basic Eligibility for National Guard or Reserve
  • Form 22/1990 for New Veterans Obtaining Benefits
  • Form 22/1995 for Veterans Continuing their Benefits
  • Form 22/5490 for New Dependent benefit recipients
  • Form 22/5495 for Continuing Dependent benefit recipients

You must be prepared to pay your own tuition, fees, books and supplies while the VA processes your certification/application. Contact the ACC Veterans Certifying Official at 303.797.5934 for more information.

VA student records will be kept on file in electronic format for a period of no less than 3 years as required by the Code of Federal Regulations (38 CFR 21.4209(f))

The following provides additional information about loans, federal and state grants, scholarships and work-study programs available. Please review all processes and procedures online at

Student Rights - You have the right to:

  1. Know what financial assistance is available from ACC, including information on federal, state, and other financial aid programs.
  2. Know the deadlines for submitting applications for each of the financial aid programs available.
  3. Know the cost of attending ACC, the refund policy and the repayment policy.
  4. Know the criteria used by ACC to select financial aid recipients.
  5. Know how the College determines financial need. This process includes how costs for tuition, room and board, books and supplies, travel, and miscellaneous expenses are considered in establishing your budget.
  6. Know what resources (such as parental contribution, scholarships, financial aid, income and assets, and other resources) are considered in the calculation of your need.
  7. Know what portion of your financial need, as computed by ACC, has been met.
  8. Request an explanation of the various programs included in your financial aid package, and to appeal for a review of your award if income or household information has changed.
  9. Know what portion of your financial aid package is a loan that must be repaid. If your award package does contain a loan, you have the right to know the interest rate, the total amount that must be repaid, repayment procedure, length of time you have to repay the loan and when payments are scheduled to begin.
  10. Know what portion of your financial aid package is from part-time student employment, the conditions of employment, and how and when you will be paid.
  11. Know how the College determines whether you are making satisfactory progress in your course of study and what happens to your financial assistance if you do not make satisfactory academic progress.

Student Responsibilities - you have the responsibility to:

  1. Keep your physical address updated at all times.
  2. Complete all application materials on time and submit them to the appropriate agency or office.
  3. Activate your college assigned email account and monitor it at least once a week. This is critical to receive important information regarding awards or missing documentation.
  4. Monitor financial aid requirements in myACC (Student Finance tab / Financial Aid Requirements channel)
  5. Agree to the financial aid Terms and Conditions via myACC (Student Finance tab / Financial Aid Awards channel / Financial Aid Awards link) prior to accepting any financial aid awards.
  6. Pay special attention to and accurately complete your application for financial aid. Errors can result in long delays in your consideration for financial assistance and may result in your inability to receive assistance due to the lack of funds. Intentional misreporting of information on applications for federal financial aid funds is a violation of the law and is considered a criminal offense subject to penalties under the U.S. Criminal Code.
  7. Promptly return all additional information, documentation, verification, and/or corrections requested by the Financial Aid Office.
  8. Read and understand all documents you are asked to sign, and keep copies for your personal records. The Financial Aid Office at ACC should not be used as a holder for a student’s permanent records.
  9. Read and accept full responsibility for all agreements you sign.
  10. Notify your student loan lender(s) of changes in your name, address, and/or student status if you have a loan or loans.
  11. Perform the work you have agreed to in accepting a College Student Employment award.
  12. Know and comply with the refund/repayment policies and procedures of ACC.
  13. Understand the conditions under which each element of your financial aid package is offered and comply with the criteria for retention of your financial aid awards.
  14. Financial aid will only pay for classes that are included in your degree plan. For questions about classes that are aid eligible please contact Academic Advising.
  15. Notify the Financial Aid Office if you receive assistance of any kind, from any source, that was not reported on your application for financial aid. Any such additional sources of assistance may cause your aid package to be reduced or canceled. This includes but is not limited to:
  • Private scholarships/Foundation scholarships/grants
  • Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Awards
  • Work Force Center Assistance
  • Vocational Rehabilitation (Voc Rehab)
  1. Report financial aid received, with the exception of loans, to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as income if the aid received is greater than the tuition and fees charged plus the amount paid for books and supplies. Students are strongly encouraged to contact the IRS for specific details. Students are advised to keep records of tuition and fee charges, books, supplies, etc., for all semesters that you attended during a calendar year.
  2. Classes taken by audit or portfolio do not qualify as financial aid hours attempted and will be considered as non-completion of a course.
  3.  A drug related conviction while receiving federal financial aid will disqualify you for aid for one year or more.
  4. To review ACC’s website regarding crime statistics.

Contact the Financial Aid Office for more information: 303.797.5661.


Federal Pell Grants

The Federal Pell Grant is a need-based grant funded by the federal government. Eligible students must meet and maintain all the following requirements:

  • Complete the FAFSA at
  • Have a demonstrated financial need which is determined by your FAFSA results.
  • Must not exceed six year’s worth of Pell Grant funding. This includes previous coursework at other institutions, as well as ACC.
  • Be an undergraduate student working on a first degree
  • Be enrolled as a degree-seeking student
  • Meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
  • The award amount will depend on the number of credit hours enrolled during that semester

Colorado Student Grant

The Colorado State Grant (CSG) is a need-based grant that is funded by the State of Colorado. Eligible students must meet and maintain all the following requirements:

  • Complete the FAFSA at
  • Be enrolled in an undergraduate degree-seeking program
  • Be enrolled in at least half time (6 credit hours), and meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for all 6 credit hours
  • Have a demonstrated financial need which is determined by FAFSA results
  • Meet the March 1 priority deadline.
  • Be a Colorado resident.

Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

A Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) is a grant for undergraduate students with exceptional financial need. To be considered a FSEOG award, a student must meet the following minimum eligibility requirements:

  • Complete the FAFSA at
  • Have a demonstrated financial need which is determined by FAFSA results
  • Must be PELL eligible with the lowest Expected Family Contributions (EFCs) which is determined by FAFSA results
  • Be an undergraduate student working on a first degree
  • Be enrolled as a degree-seeking student
  • Be enrolled in at least half time (6 credit hours), and meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for all 6 credit hours
  • Meet the March 1 priority deadline

Loans - William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program

Federal Direct Loan

This loan is offered as either subsidized or unsubsidized. The amount of the loan that a student is eligible for is based on year in college, program length, need, dependency status, etc. Students who can demonstrate financial need through the FAFSA are eligible to get a subsidized Federal Direct Loan. Loans that are subsidized do not accrue interest as long as the borrower remains enrolled in at least six (6) or more credit hours. Repayment begins six (6) months after the student is no longer enrolled in six (6) or more credit hours. Students who cannot demonstrate financial need for the maximum loan each year may be eligible to receive an unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan. The student is required to pay the interest on this loan from the time the loan is disbursed by the lender. Federal Direct Loans are provided through the US Department of Education Direct Loan Program. They are guaranteed and insured by the Federal Government.

Federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)

Parents of dependent students may qualify for this loan program. If a financial aid award offer is not sufficient for a dependent student’s needs, a PLUS loan can be taken by parents for the benefit of their student. This loan requires that parents complete a credit check and assume responsibility to repay the loan. If the parents are denied this loan, check with the Financial Aid office for further options. Repayment of PLUS loans begins sixty days from the second disbursement of the loan.

Work Study

Work-Study is a financial aid award that allows students to work part-time on campus at ACC. Preference is given to students who meet the March 1 priority deadline, and indicate their desire to work on the FAFSA. Students must be enrolled in a minimum of six (6) credit hours and can work no more than 20 hours per week.

Return of Title IV Funds

The federal regulation requires a return of Title IV funds if a student received federal financial assistance and withdrew or ceased attendance for any reason on or before completing 60% of the enrollment period. The percentage of Title IV aid to be returned is equal to the number of calendar days remaining in the enrollment period divided by the number of calendar days in the enrollment period. Scheduled breaks of more than five consecutive days are excluded from the total number of calendar days.

The office of financial aid is required to calculate how much federal financial aid a student has earned if that student:

  • Completely withdraws, or
  • Stops attending before completing the semester, or
  • Does not complete all modules (courses which do not span the entire length of the payment period)

*For students enrolled in modules: A student is not considered as withdrawn if the office financial aid obtains a written confirmation at the time of the withdrawal that he or she will attend a module that begins later in the same enrollment period. The newly added courses will also count as a positive confirmation of future attendance if the student registered for the course or courses at the time of a withdrawal. Dropping courses in a later module while still attending a current module is also not considered to have withdrawn.

  • The official withdrawal date will be either the date the student begins the withdrawal process or the date the student provides official notification of intent to withdraw. The unofficial withdrawal (for a student with failing grade) will be reported by the instructors based on the last date of attendance.

Percentage of Title IV Aid Earned
Days Attended / Total Days in the Enrollment Period = % Completed

Amount of Title IV Aid Earned
Total Disbursed Aid x % Completed = Earned Aid

Amount of Title IV Aid to Return
Total Disbursed Aid - Earned Aid = Amount to be Returned

  • If the percentage completed is higher than 60%, the student has earned all the Title IV funds for the period.
  • If a student who received financial aid never attends, all disbursed funds will be returned.

Return of Unearned Title IV Aid (34CFR 668.22)

The federal regulations require schools to perform calculations within 30 days from the date the school determines a student’s withdrawal and to return the funds within 45 days of the calculation.

If a student does not pay the balance owed to the institution within 45 days of the date of notification, the balance will be forwarded to the State of Colorado Collections Agency and the student’s records will be placed on financial hold. In addition, any grant funds owed to the government will be transferred and reported as an “overpayment” to the U.S. Department of Education.

Aid Programs Subject to the Repayment Calculation will be returned in this Order

  • Federal Direct Loans: Unsubsidized and Subsidized
  • Federal Parent PLUS Loan
  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
  • Other Federal Aid